Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry
May 7, 2014
Norman Vaughan, Mount Royal University, Canada
Martha Cleveland-Innes, Athabasca University, Canada
D. Randy Garrison, University of Calgary, Canada
This session will describe and discuss seven principles of practice that can be used to effectively design, facilitate, and direct a blended approach to learning and teaching.
Keywords: blended learning, community of inquiry, design
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Teaching in Blended Learning Environments: Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry [AU Press]
Community of Inquiry Research

Introduction to the CoI Webinar Series
Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Garrison, D. Randy; Vaughan, Norman
This session will provide an overview of the webinar series and the Community of Inquiry framework.\n\nThe accompanying reading for this webinar is Conceptual Framework, Chapter 1 of Teaching in Blended Learning ...
Match: Vaughan, Norman; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Garrison, D. Randy; blended learning; community of inquiry

Introducing the CoI Blog: A Community of Inquiry for the Community of Inquiry
Garrison, D. Randy; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Vaughan, Norman; Wilton, Dan
The goal for this CIDER session is to provide an introduction to the creation of a blog that will initiate and facilitate discussion with regard to recent research and emerging issues associated with the Community of ...
Match: Vaughan, Norman; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Garrison, D. Randy; community of inquiry

The CoI Repository and the State of CoI Research
Garrison, D. Randy; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Vaughan, Norman; Stenbom, Stefan; et al.
The Community of Inquiry Framework is a more than 20-year-old distance education framework that focuses on community-based teaching and learning methods. In the time since its development, there has been a range of ...
Match: Vaughan, Norman; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Garrison, D. Randy; community of inquiry

Graduate Student Panel: The CoI Framework
Vladimirschi, Viviane; Rabak, Lynne; Befus, Madelaine; Cleveland-Innes, Martha
Graduate students discuss their research related to the CoI framework.
Match: Cleveland-Innes, Martha; community of inquiry

Applying the CoI Framework to a K-12 Context
Krysko, Erin; Vaughan, Norman; Prediger, Steven
This session will demonstrate and discuss how the CoI framework can be applied to a K to 12 context to foster an inquiry-based approach to learning.\n\nThe accompanying reading for this webinar is "Fostering an ...
Match: Vaughan, Norman; community of inquiry

Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and Instrument Development
Arbaugh, J. Ben; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Diaz, Sebastian; Garrison, D. Randy; et al.
Since its publication in The Internet and Higher Education, Garrison, Anderson, and Archer’s (2000) Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has generated substantial interest among online learning researchers. This ...
Match: Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Garrison, D. Randy; community of inquiry

Social Presence
Lowenthal, Patrick; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Swan, Karen; Richardson, Jennifer
Patrick Lowenthal, Marti Cleveland-Innes, Karen Swan and Jennifer Richardson review and debate social presence in a community of inquiry.
Match: Cleveland-Innes, Martha; community of inquiry

Meta-analysis of the CoI Framework
Befus, Madelaine
This presentation focuses on exploring the shape and scope of the corpus of CoI research literature. The Community of Inquiry Research Integration and Practice Alliance, comprised of Drs. M. Cleveland-Innes, D. R. ...
Match: community of inquiry

Changes in Educators' Digital Literacies and Perceptions of Community of Inquiry Resulting from Participation in an Open Online Professional Development Course
Kvarnström, Maria; Åbjörnsson, Lotta; Uhlin, Lars; Pareigis, Jörg; et al.
Open Networked Learning (ONL) is a professional development opportunity related to digital competences and online community building. The primary target group is open learners and university teachers, educational ...
Match: Cleveland-Innes, Martha; community of inquiry

Emotion, Learning and the Online Learning Environment
Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Akyol, Zehra
In spite of evidence that more and more students are engaging in online learning experiences (Alan & Seaman, 2006), clarity about the transition to a new learning environment is still at arm’s length (Cleveland-Innes, ...
Match: Cleveland-Innes, Martha; community of inquiry