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Professional Identity in Distance Education
January 19, 2007
Anne Forster, University of Maryland University College, United States
Keywords: professional identity, professional development, distance education, identity

Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and Instrument Development
Arbaugh, J. Ben; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Diaz, Sebastian; Garrison, D. Randy; et al.
Since its publication in The Internet and Higher Education, Garrison, Anderson, and Archer’s (2000) Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has generated substantial interest among online learning researchers. This ...
Match: United States

Revisiting Mega-Universities
Rubin, Eugene; SchWeber, Claudine
Match: distance education; United States

Social Presence
Lowenthal, Patrick; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Swan, Karen; Richardson, Jennifer
Patrick Lowenthal, Marti Cleveland-Innes, Karen Swan and Jennifer Richardson review and debate social presence in a community of inquiry.
Match: United States

State of the Nation 2013: K-12 Online Learning in Canada
Barbour, Michael
This presentation will highlight the details of the sixth annual State of the Nation: K-12 Online Learning in Canada report. Some of these highlights include:\n\n- during the 2011-12 school year there were an estimated ...
Match: distance education; United States

Online Students’ Expectations
Berge, Zane
Match: distance education; United States

Engagement through Simulation
O’Leary, Arlene
Match: distance education; United States

Distance, Online and Blended Schools: Where Are We? What Do We Know?
Clark, Tom; Barbour, Michael
In this session, Tom Clark and Michael Barbour will describe trends for the future of K-12 distance, online and blended learning highlighted in their recent edited book. From exploring what educators in North America ...
Match: United States

Affect as a Presence in the Community of Inquiry Model
Campbell, Prisca; Cleveland-Innes, Martha
Match: distance education

Using 3D Virtual Worlds: Engaging Learners and Providing Social Support
Annand, David; Schwede, Gunnar; Heller, Bob; Eliott, Colin
Demonstrating how an avatar-based 3-D learning environment can more fully engage learners in their online educational experience, the volunteer team of developers from Athabasca University will showcase a prototype of a ...
Match: distance education

The Personal Research Portal: The Virtual Faculty or the Net Behind the Classroom
Peña-López, Ismael
In this presentation, Ismael Peña-López expands on his previous research into personal research portals to propose ways in which educators may use web 2.0 tools to build themselves a place on the net - a personal ...
Match: distance education