What Do Academics and Educators Do on Social Media and Networks, and What Do Their Experiences Tell Us About Identity and the Web?
November 13, 2013
George Veletsianos, Royal Roads University, Canada
In this presentation, Dr. George Veletsianos, Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Technology, draws on a number of studies conducted to examine academics' and educators' participation in networked spaces. These studies point to three significant findings: (a) increasingly open practices that question the traditions of academia, (b) personal-professional tensions in academic work, and (c) a framework of identity that contrasts sharply with our existing understanding of online identity.
Keywords: social media, social network, identity, networked learning
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References: Papers discussed in this session

An Analysis of Digital Education in Canada in 2017-2019
VanLeeuwen, Charlene A.; Veletsianos, George
Digital education refers to in-person, blended, and fully online learning efforts, as well as attempts to capture a wide range of teaching and learning contexts which make use of digital technology. While digital ...
Match: Veletsianos, George

Professional Identity in Distance Education
Forster, Anne
Match: identity

Changes in Educators' Digital Literacies and Perceptions of Community of Inquiry Resulting from Participation in an Open Online Professional Development Course
Kvarnström, Maria; Åbjörnsson, Lotta; Uhlin, Lars; Pareigis, Jörg; et al.
Open Networked Learning (ONL) is a professional development opportunity related to digital competences and online community building. The primary target group is open learners and university teachers, educational ...
Match: networked learning