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Creating a Community of Learning in the Zoom Classroom: Strategies for Establishing a Positive Online Learning Environment
September 30, 2020
Alysia Wright, University of Calgary Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, Canada
Haboun Bair, University of Calgary Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, Canada
The Zoom classroom is similar to a face-to-face setting in that it allows for a synchronous gathering in which students and instructors can see and speak to each other in real time. However, the Zoom classroom presents some unique challenges, such as lack of engagement, barriers to developing rapport between students and instructors, and learning how to navigate the online classroom.

In this presentation, we discuss strategies for creating a community of learning in Zoom classrooms. By establishing a sense of community, shared ownership of the learning space, and clear expectations for both students and instructors, we suggest that instructors can not only anticipate but mitigate the challenges that might otherwise compromise learning in the Zoom classroom. This session is broadly relevant to instructors, academic staff, teaching assistants, and other folks who are finding themselves making sense of an online learning environment.
Keywords: learning community, engagement
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Engagement through Simulation
O’Leary, Arlene
Match: engagement