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Open Education: New Developments, Needs, and Opportunities for Research
December 4, 2013
June Ahn, University of Maryland, United States
In this session, Dr. June Ahn will talk about his experiences conducting research with, and about, the Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU), which is one of the foremost platforms for online open education. In the talk, Dr. Ahn will shed light on developments such as P2PU, what opportunities these developments provide for education researchers, and the research needs in the near future for those interested in studying open education experiences.
Keywords: P2PU, learning platform
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CASCI Commons: Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information

Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and Instrument Development
Arbaugh, J. Ben; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Diaz, Sebastian; Garrison, D. Randy; et al.
Since its publication in The Internet and Higher Education, Garrison, Anderson, and Archer’s (2000) Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has generated substantial interest among online learning researchers. This ...
Match: United States

Social Presence
Lowenthal, Patrick; Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Swan, Karen; Richardson, Jennifer
Patrick Lowenthal, Marti Cleveland-Innes, Karen Swan and Jennifer Richardson review and debate social presence in a community of inquiry.
Match: United States

Revisiting Mega-Universities
Rubin, Eugene; SchWeber, Claudine
Match: United States

Distance, Online and Blended Schools: Where Are We? What Do We Know?
Clark, Tom; Barbour, Michael
In this session, Tom Clark and Michael Barbour will describe trends for the future of K-12 distance, online and blended learning highlighted in their recent edited book. From exploring what educators in North America ...
Match: United States

State of the Nation 2023: K-12 E-Learning in Canada
Barbour, Michael; LaBonte, Randy
The 2023 issue of the State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada report marks its sixteenth year, and the eleventh year of the Canadian eLearning Network's (CANeLearn) support of this research. The report continues ...
Match: United States

State of the Nation 2022: K-12 E-Learning in Canada
Barbour, Michael; LaBonte, Randy
The 2022 issue of the State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada report marks its fifteenth year, and the tenth year of the Canadian eLearning Network's (CANeLearn) support of this research. The report continues to ...
Match: United States

Online Students’ Expectations
Berge, Zane
Match: United States

Engagement through Simulation
O’Leary, Arlene
Match: United States

Sense of Irony or Perfect Timing: Examining the Research Supporting Proposed e-Learning Changes in Ontario
Barbour, Michael; LaBonte, Randy
Only weeks before the 2019 annual meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA) was held in Toronto, Ontario, the provincial government announced a major reform of education for that province entitled ...
Match: United States

State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada
Barbour, Michael; LaBonte, Randy
The State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada report continues to be Canada's unique benchmark for the expanding use of technology-supported blended and online learning in Canada. This ninth edition of the annual ...
Match: United States